Symptoms of Kidney Disease and its effects on the human body

Symptoms of Kidney Disease and its effects on the human body 1. Fatigue – sensing tired all of the time 2. Feeling cold – when others are warm 3. Shortage of breath – after very little effort Kidney diseases 4. Feeling faint, dizzy, or weak 5. Trouble thinking clearly 6. Feeling very itchy 7. Swelling in hands or feet 8. Swollen or puffy face 9. Food tastes like metal 10. Ammonia breath 11. Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting 12. Waking up during the night to make urine 13. Foamy or bubbly urine 14. Brown, red, or purple urine 15. Pressure when you make urine Kidney- Liver failure symptoms In the early stages, chronic liver disease may not lead to any symptoms. There may be vague symptoms such as: Feeling sick (nausea). Loss of appetite. Feeling tired. Diarrhea. More advanced chronic liver disease or acute liver failure may lead to serious symptoms. These may include: Your sk...